Dr. Ivan Suazo.

 Member of the Scientific Committee


DDS, Universidad de Chile (1997) MSc, Universidad Central Chile. (2005), Specialist in Neuroanatomy (2001), U de la República, Uruguay. Associated of Science in Antrhopology. Associated Professor in Anatomy. PhD UNIFESP. Professor & Head of Morphology Department of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Universidad de Talca. Director of the Postgraduate Program: Dolor en el Territorio Oral y maxilofacial. President of the XXVIII Anatomy Chilean Congress and IX Anatomy SouthCone Congress. International Advisory Board of the International Journal of Morphology (ISI) and Associate Editor of the International Journal of Odontostomatology. Member of Honorary Editorial Board of the Journal: Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dentistry.Reviewer of Revista Médica de Chile (ISI).

Universidad de Talca, MORPHOLOGY.
Avda. Lircay S/N oficina 104 Talca, - Chile
Telefone: (71) 201682
URL da Homepage:

Formação acadêmica/Titulação

2007 - 2009 Doutorado em Morfologia (Conceito CAPES 4) . Universidade Federal de São Paulo, UNIFESP, Brasil. Título: Indicadores Morfológicos de Dimorfismo Sexual em Cranios Humanos, Ano de Obtenção: 2009. Orientador: Ricardo Luiz Smith. Bolsista do(a): Comisión Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología,

2003 - 2005 Mestrado em Docencia e Investigación Universitaria . Universidad Central. Título: Estilos de Aprendizaje y su Correlación con el Rendimiento Académico en Anato`mía Normal Humana, Ano de Obtenção: 2007. Orientador: Sonia Fuentes Rojas.

2005 - 2006 Especialização em Perito Forense, Mediador en salud . (Carga Horária: 120h). Universidad de Chile, UC, Chile. Título: Sistemas de Mediación en salud.

2000 - 2001 Aperfeiçoamento em Neuroanatomía . Universidad de La Republica Oriental Del Uruguay, UROU, Uruguai. Título: Microdiálisis del cuerpo estriado en ratas Sometidas a Stress. Ano de finalização: 2001. Orientador: Instituto Clemente Estable.

1991 - 1997 Graduação em Odontología . Universidad de Chile, UC, Chile. Título: Contribución Morfológica al Estudio de la Neuralgia del Trgémino. Orientador: Patricio Quezada Pacheco.

Membro de corpo editorial

2007 - Atual Periódico: International Journal of Morphology (Online)
2007 - Atual Periódico: International Journal of Morphology
2007 - Atual Periódico: International Journal of Odontostomatology

Revisor de periódico

2008 - Atual Periódico: Revista Digital Universitaria

Produção bibliográfica Artigos completos publicados em periódicos
(last twenty publications)

1. Suazo Galdames, Iván Claudio ; Zavando Matamala, Daniela Alejandra ; Smith, Ricardo Luiz . Is the Conduct of Serres an Anatomical Variation in Adults?. International Journal of Morphology (Online), v. 27, p. 43-47, 2009.

2. Suazo Galdames, Iván Claudio ; Zavando Matamala, Daniela Alejandra ; Smith, Ricardo Luiz . Sex Determination in Mandibles in the First Year of Life by a Quantitative Approach. International Journal of Morphology (Online), v. 27, p. 113-116, 2009.

3. Zavando Matamala, Daniela Alejandra ; Suazo Galdames, Iván Claudio ; Smith, Ricardo Luiz . Sexual Dimorphism Determination from the Lineal Dimensions of Skulls. International Journal of Morphology (Online), v. 27, p. 133-137, 2009.

4. Suazo Galdames, Iván Claudio ; Perez Russo, Priscilla ; Zavando Matamala, Daniela Alejandra ; Smith, Ricardo Luiz . Sexual Dimorphism in the Foramen Magnum Dimensions. International Journal of Morphology (Online), v. 27, p. 21-23, 2009.

5. Cantín López, Mario ; Suazo Galdames, Iván Claudio ; Zavando Matamala, Daniela Alejandra ; Smith, Ricardo Luiz . Sexual Dimorphism Determination by Piriform Aperture Morphometric Analysis in Brazilian Human Skulls. International Journal of Morphology (Online), v. 27, p. 327-331, 2009.

6. Suazo Galdames, Iván Claudio ; Zavando Matamala, Daniela Alejandra ; Smith, Ricardo Luiz . Performance Evaluation as a Diagnostic Test for Traditional Methods for Forensic Identification of Sex. International Journal of Morphology (Online), v. 27, p. 381-386, 2009.

7. GALDAMES I.S ; MANTEROLA, D.C. . The beginning of the evidence-based morphology. Clinical Anatomy (New York), v. 22, p. 783-783, 2009.

8. Dias H. A ; Guimarães S.M.B ; GALDAMES I.C.S ; Guimarães A.S . Autonomus Referred Phenomena by Myofascial Trigger Point in Temporalis Muscle as a Neuropathic Response.. International Journal of Odontostomatology, v. 3, p. 29-32, 2009.

9. ASTETE, J. C. ; San Pedro, V.J ; GALDAMES I.C.S . Sexual Dimorphism in the Tooth Dimensions of Spanish and Chilean peoples.. International Journal of Odontostomatology, v. 3, p. 47-50, 2009.

10. Cantin, L. M.G ; CORONADO, G. C. ; GALDAMES I.C.S ; San Pedro, V.J . Maxillary Sinusitis of Dental Origen. A case report and literature review.. International Journal of Odontostomatology, v. 3, p. 5-9, 2009.

11. SANDOVAL, M. C ; LÓPEZ, F. B ; GALDAMES I.C.S . An unusual relationship between the inferior alveolar nerve, lingual nerve and maxillary artery.. International Journal of Odontostomatology, v. 3, p. 51-53, 2009.

12. Gajardo, R.M ; Gajardo, R.P ; Sepulveda T. G ; LÓPEZ, C. X. ; ROA, H. I. ; GALDAMES I.C.S . Subcutaneous emphysema after ultrasonic treatment: a case report.. International Journal of Odontostomatology, v. 3, p. 67-70, 2009.

13. Zavando, M. D. A. ; GALDAMES I.C.S ; Smith, R.L . Es posible la determinación de la afinidad racial a partir del análisis biométrico de cráneos humanos?. International Journal of Morphology, v. 27, p. 643-648, 2009.

14. Guimarães A.S ; GALDAMES I.C.S ; MARIE N. S. K. . Orofacial myotonic Phenomenon in Steiner´s myotonic dystrophy patients.. Avances en Odontoestomatología, v. 25, p. 163-166, 2009.

15. HERMOSILLA, V. V. ; San Pedro, V.J ; Cantin, L. M.G ; SUAZO, G. I. C. . Systematic analysis of its shape and dimensions for use in human identification.. International Journal of Morphology (Online), v. 27, p. 819-825, 2009.

16. GALDAMES I.C.S ; Cantin, L. M.G ; Zavando, M. D. A. . Inferior alveolar nerve block anesthesia via retromolar triangle, an alternative for patients with blood discrasias.. Medicina Oral, Patología Oral y Cirugía Bucal, v. 13, p. 43-47, 2008.

17. Suazo Galdames, Iván ; Trujillo Hernández, Erick Gonzalo ; Cantín López, Mario ; Zavando Matamala, Daniela . Determinación de Proporciones Áureas Cráneofaciales para la Reconstrucción con Fines de Identificación Médicolegal. International Journal of Morphology (Online), v. 26, p. 165-168, 2008.

18. Suazo Galdames, Iván Claudio ; Cantín López, Mario ; Bustos Alvarez, Ivonne Patricia ; Salgado Alarcón, Guillermo Enrique . Teaching of the Integrated Morphology. International Journal of Morphology (Online), v. 26, p. 127-130, 2008.

19. Suazo Galdames, Iván Claudio ; San Pedro Valenzuela, Jaime ; Schilling Quezada, Nilo Alejandro ; Celis Contreras, César Eduardo ; Hidalgo Rivas, José Alejandro ; Cantín López, Mario . Ortopantomographic Blind Test of Mandibular Ramus Flexure as a Morphological Indicator of Sex in Chilean Young Adults. International Journal of Morphology (Online), v. 26, p. 89-92, 2008.

20. Cantín López, Mario ; Suazo Galdames, Iván ; Venegas Rojas, Bernardo ; Zavando Matamala, Daniela . Carcinoma de Células Escamosas de Labio Inferior: Asociación Entre Grado de Angiogénesis, Graduación Histológica y Frente de Invasión Tumoral. International Journal of Morphology (Online), v. 26, p. 77-82, 2008.